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Why I Choose Adoption

aspire women

“My adoption story was born out of the greatest love a mother can ever feel for her child. I loved my son more than anything in this world. I loved him more than I loved myself.” - Heidi Russo

“Never in a million years did I think that I, of all people, would get pregnant and end up choosing adoption. But I’m so happy I did. It has made me so much stronger and made my outlook on life so much more different!” - Ashlee Amraen

“Adoption is the hardest thing you will probably ever do in your life. You feel like your heart is being ripped out. But if you are doing it for all the right reasons your life will be truly blessed forever.” - Laura Gladden

“You have just done one of the most courageous acts ever, be proud of that. Use the strength you have earned to go forward and be a positive influence to others and the world around you.” - Jenny Treanor

Why I Chose Adoption - Erin’s Story

“I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be a birthmother. I saw women placing their child on television and never once took the perspective of the woman who carried the child for nine months then placed their baby girl/boy into the hands of a hopeful couple. I like to think I am great at placing myself in other's shoes and taking perspective on situations, but I think the media had shaped me to think more about the adoptee and adoptive parents because no one really talks about birthmothers…

This past year has been the most beautiful, painful year of my life. My son is my greatest accomplishment and I am so proud to be a part of his life. After graduating with my Master's Degree in Elementary Education, I placed my son for adoption. This year, I not only gained a son, but also his parents who I consider family. You may ask, ‘Why would you place after graduating with a degree?’ Well, I wanted him to grow up with an active father. I did not want to take his innocence by having him see a stressed-out single mother trying to make ends meet or a horrible custody battle between two people who live in different states. He now has a mom and a dad in the same house who he can run to in the middle of the night if he has a bad dream, he has a dad who will coach him in all the sports he will play, and he is able to grow up knowing what true love looks like.

Today, I am a 5th grade ELA teacher in Georgia and love what I do. I have good days and bad days. I am lucky because I know where my son is and how he is doing. I am thankful every day for this gift and I look forward to sharing the ups and downs of this crazy roller coaster with you from here on out.”

We love stories like Erin’s and quotes from courageous women who have lovingly chosen a family for their child. We believe adoption can be a difficult yet empowering decision for expectant mothers who feel that they are not in a place to parent.

The Beauty of Adoption

Adoption gives women choices…

  • The choice to continue her pregnancy

  • The choice of the type of family she wants her child to know

  • The choice of another loving home and a bright future

“Choosing life for my daughter and giving her the family she has is the single thing in my life that I am most proud of.” - Crystal Rae

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and are considering adoption, take the time to learn about all your options to figure out what is best for you. Placing a child for adoption is a huge sacrifice and takes courage and so much love. Sorting through the options of adoption, abortion, or parenting can be overwhelming, but you are not alone.

How We Can Help

We provide pregnancy testing, information on your pregnancy options and ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy. Aspire staff will take the time with you to explore adoption and answer some of your questions – if this is an option you are considering. We will provide referrals to various adoption agencies, and be there for you if you decide adoption is your best pregnancy option. All of our services are confidential and most are free of charge.

Make an appointment today.

Note: We are not an adoption agency. We provide referrals for adoption and support services during your pregnancy.



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Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm

Aspire Women's Center, is a 501c3 faith based non-profit in the state of New Hampshire. We provide no-cost pregnancy services including pregnancy testing, confirmation through ultrasound, education on pregnancy options, abortion information, parenting education and material assistance as well as low-cost sexual health testing, treatment and education.  While we do not provide or refer for abortion or emergency contraceptives,  we can answer your questions about what to expect, side effects and more. We serve  all clients regardless of age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation disability, or other arbitrary circumstances.  We serve with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner where you will always receiving open and honest answers.  We do not profit from any of your pregnancy or sexual health decisions. We serve the Belknap County area and beyond.  We are also known as Lakes Region Pregnancy Care Inc dba Aspire Women's Center.   

Please see our Terms of Use for more information. The content on this site is for education purposes only. It should not be substituted for medical or legal advice. We are committed to protecting your health information. Please be aware that communicating via unencrypted text messaging or messaging services has some level of risk of being read by a 3rd party. 

© 2025 - ASPIRE WOMEN'S CENTER - All Rights Reserved

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