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8 Abortion Pill Side Effects & What You Need to Know

aspire women

Here you are, staring at the pregnancy test in your hand, and two pink lines are staring back at you. Anxiety, fear, and panic wash over you, and the world halts to a standstill. The thought of being pregnant and unprepared overwhelms you. You are left thinking, What should you do next? So you grab your phone and start researching the internet for solutions. You remember seeing a post on TikTok regarding the abortion pill regimen and begin pondering the possibility of ordering them online. You may think, “No one needs to know; honestly, it is none of their business. It feels like the easy fix to make this disappear without anyone else’s involvement.” Rushing a major medical decision or taking abortion pills without medical guidance could be dangerous and put your health at risk.

Contact us to make a cost-free consultation. We’ll give you the answers you need and provide medical resources and services focused on your health and well-being. 

woman holding a pregnancy test and looking concerned.

The Abortion Pill Isn’t for Everyone

Most often, when we think about the abortion pill, we think of it as an innovative, revolutionary solution. You start to think about the abortion pill, and you imagine it’s a one-size-fits-all option. But then you find out that it’s not. 

The abortion pill is only FDA-approved if you are early in your pregnancy. If you track your cycle or have checked a due date calculator, this can estimate how far along you are; however, it cannot verify your pregnancy. An ultrasound is the only accurate way to date a pregnancy because dates can be off. Sometimes, women ovulate early in the month, or women think they have their period, but what they experience is implantation bleeding during pregnancy instead. 

If you have confirmed you are past 10 weeks, taking abortion pills can cause serious complications. 

After doing a quick online internet search, you will find out that certain medical conditions could deem you ineligible for the abortion pill altogether. For instance, if you have an IUD in place, you need to get it removed before you take the medication. And if your pregnancy is outside the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy, this medication won’t work at all. An ectopic pregnancy could leave you vulnerable and in a life-threatening situation that requires immediate care.

Blood clotting disorders, adrenal issues, or even certain medications you take regularly could also complicate things. It is essential to realize how many factors there are to keep in mind when considering taking the abortion pill regimen. 

8 Possible Side Effects You Should Know

Aspire Women's Center believes in informed decisions. If you meet the qualifications for the abortion pill, there are still a few things all women should pause and consider. Most people are aware of the common side effects, but women can also experience:

  1. Contractions – Your body can undergo contractions to expel the fetus.

  2. Menorrhagia – Heavy or severe bleeding during the abortion process.

  3. Vomiting – Some individuals may experience vomiting after taking the drug. However, if you experience ongoing vomiting or nausea, contact your doctor. 

  4. Menometrorrhagia – Ongoing abnormal uterine bleeding and/or periods that last longer than normal. Some women report ongoing bleeding for months after taking abortion pills.

  5. Long-term Headaches or Migraines – Headaches have been reported by some individuals undergoing medical abortion. 

  6. Pelvic Infection or Uterine Damage – Some women experience long-term pelvic pain or are diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to infertility, pain during intercourse, and a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy in the future.  Having a sexually transmitted infection at the time of an abortion can increase this risk. 

  7. Sepsis This is a severe infection that can occur when bacteria enter the bloodstream. In the context of medication abortion, sepsis can be life-threatening if not promptly treated. 

  8. Blood Clots – Passing blood clots is a standard part of the abortion process. Large clots may form in the uterus, leading to complications. If you pass clots more significant than a lemon for more than two hours or experience heavy bleeding that soaks through more than two maxi pads per hour for two consecutive hours, contact your healthcare provider immediately, as this could be a life-threatening condition.

You can find the complete list of drug reactions here. Without the correct medical supervision, these complications can get serious. 

It is also crucial to your overall health and well-being to have a follow-up with a medical professional two weeks after taking the pill, as well as the need to be monitored to make sure everything goes as planned because if the situation arises, you can seek the immediate care you deserve.

What Should You Do Now?

It’s easy to see that making this decision alone and without medical guidance is dangerous. Take your time, step back, breathe, and seek the help you deserve. You can schedule an appointment online with our medical team to confirm how far along you are through ultrasound, discuss your options, ask questions, and better understand potential risks more thoroughly.  You want to be sure that your choices are right for your health and future.

We Are Your Next Best Step

In moments of uncertainty, knowledge is power. You don't have to face this alone. Aspire Women's Center offers the services, support, and resources to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and health. Whether you need to confirm your pregnancy, explore your options, or find support and local resources, we are your best first step. 

Book an appointment today!


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). Questions and answers on mifepristone for medical termination of pregnancy through ten weeks gestation. Retrieved [2025], from

Medication abortion up to 70 days of gestation. (2020b). Obstetrics and Gynecology, 136(4), e31–e47. 

Flanders, N. (2022). Five abortion pill dangers every woman should know. Live Action News. 

Mifepristone (Mifeprex): MedlinePlus drug information. (n.d.).


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Aspire Women's Center, is a 501c3 faith based non-profit in the state of New Hampshire. We provide no-cost pregnancy services including pregnancy testing, confirmation through ultrasound, education on pregnancy options, abortion information, parenting education and material assistance as well as low-cost sexual health testing, treatment and education.  While we do not provide or refer for abortion or emergency contraceptives,  we can answer your questions about what to expect, side effects and more. We serve  all clients regardless of age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation disability, or other arbitrary circumstances.  We serve with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner where you will always receiving open and honest answers.  We do not profit from any of your pregnancy or sexual health decisions. We serve the Belknap County area and beyond.  We are also known as Lakes Region Pregnancy Care Inc dba Aspire Women's Center.   

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